Tonic Pools Singapore

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Essential Pool Maintenance Tips for Clear Water

Today, let's explore a few essential steps to maintain a clear pool. From scooping and cleaning to pH management, these tasks are vital for a sparkling pool between professional visits. Whether it's your helper, teenager, or anyone in your household, everyone can pitch in to keep the pool pristine.

  1. Scooping and Cleaning (5 mins): Daily debris removal prevents clogged skimmer baskets and eases vacuuming later on. Don't forget to clean out skimmer baskets regularly for efficient circulation.

  2. Brushing the Pool Walls and Floor (5 - 10 mins): Brushing prevents algae growth and clears buildup on pool surfaces. Start from the pool edge and brush towards the main drain or skimmer basket.

  3. pH and Chlorine Management (2 mins): Test water regularly and adjust pH and chlorine levels within ideal ranges (pH 7.2 - 7.8, chlorine 1-3 ppm). Keep a record of test results for future reference.

  4. Cloudy Water - Backwash Filter (2 mins): Cloudy water can result from poor chemical balance. Backwash the filter immediately and balance water (pH, chlorine) to restore clarity.

  5. Algae Growth: Combat visible algae by adding extra chlorine and brushing the pool. Increase chlorine level to 10 ppm for effective treatment.

  6. Equipment Inspection: Regularly inspect pool pump, filter, and other equipment for leaks or damage. Report any issues to your pool maintenance company promptly.

  7. Record-Keeping: Maintain a log of pool maintenance activities and chemical test results. This helps identify trends and potential issues over time.

Adopting a proactive approach to pool care ensures a crystal-clear and enjoyable swimming experience year-round. If unsure about any tasks, don't hesitate to seek advice from your pool maintenance company. With everyone pitching in, your pool will stay pristine and inviting for all to enjoy.

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